Dubai Videographer – Maserati Polo

Acceleration combined with excellent off-road handling was the focus as the Maserati Polo Tour 2016 continued in Dubai this week, with the first Maserati Dubai Polo Challenge taking place at Desert Palm Polo Club. The winning team, “Desert Palm”, produced an impressive performance at this inaugural tournament.

dubai videographer maserati-dubai-polo-challengePlayed over five days, four talented polo teams, featuring both professional and amateur players from the UK, Europe, the United Arab Emirates, Jordan, Saudi Arabia and Argentina, produced both competitive and entertaining polo, much to the delight of Maserati’s guests. They were joined by a hand-selected audience of VIPs and special guests from the individual team sponsors, which included Gulfstream, Scavi & Ray and Desert Palm.

Dubai Videographer – Maserati Polo

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