Dubai Tech Blogger – GH4 9 megapixel exported frames
Dubai tech blogger – GH4 9 megapixel exported frames
made a quick selection of frames on the skin tone experiment video I will be posting later on the GH4, straight from the RAW files, heres some unedited 4k originals in TIFF image format. A single exported frame is 70mb. Click on image for 4k png images, or download the TIFF zip HERE.
Dubai Tech Blogger tried shooting video with the intention of extracting stills opens up a very wide range of possibilities and benefits for certain types of photography. One of the most obvious and simple ways to illustrate this is by considering the fact that at best, most DSLR cameras will shoot photos at 10 frames per second in burst mode. Video on the other hand can obviously be shot at many times that rate (as is the case 24fps, 30fps, 60fps and beyond). This gives the photographer many more shots to choose from per second of shooting, which can be exceptionally helpful when shooting fast moving subjects (such as animals or other wildlife), or for capturing micro expressions in a human face that may otherwise be missed in between shots on a traditional stills camera.
Combined with the Leica Nocticron with a 42.5mm focal length and bright f1.2 aperture. Its the perfect short telephoto lens to bring around. With the equivalent coverage of 85mm, making it ideal for portrait work or capturing tighter views than a standard lens. With the optical stabilisation of the Nocticron it produced sharp clips able to stand my handheld guerilla style shooting. It was my perfect lens indeed!
April 18, 2014 at 6:13 pm //
Great, thank you very much for the test shots and the download function !
Did you use the eye-focus option ?
In some of the shots only the tip of the nose in focus, that’s why I’m asking.
I am looking forward to that option, but this would be a little diappointment.
April 18, 2014 at 9:53 pm //
Hey Niko,
I was focusing manually to the subject… This was just some parts of the clip ill post the video soon and the raw 4k files for you guys to download.
May 9, 2014 at 8:32 pm //
is it available in dubai? or any idea when will it be?